In a photocopy shop near to our house we met a young man called Genesis. He is a Christian and has come to church and Bible study a few times. He lives in Kibera slum with his pregnant wife, Faith.

Saturday, the 10.10. we had an opportunity to visit his home, meet his parents-in-law and a group of children and and teenagers, that he is investing in by playing soccer and studying the Bible with them.
In the slum people live in tiny "houses" that are crammed together, built with mud and some pieces of metal. There's no running water, everything is dirty and trashy. As we walked on the narrow paths between the houses, trying to avoid the big puddles (it had rained the night before), we were overwhelmed with the amount of people, children and adults, the smells, the heat, the noises, food being fixed on the street, clothed being washed in the water on the streets, clothes and shoes being sold, chicken, dogs, goats running among it all.In every corner little kids were greeting us with 'How are you?'-choir.

We tried to stay together. Alone we would have not dared to enter there, but with Genesis it was ok, we didn't get lost.
After eating a simple meal of fruit, bread, and eggs that we bought and brought to the house of Genesis' parents-in-law, it was time to meet the group of children and teenagers. We spoke to them about the love and the plan of God in their lives. The teenage boys and the younger children were divided into groups. Genesis told p. David that the teenage boys need to get convictions about Christian relationships. We encouraged Genesis to keep up the vision that God has given him.

What touched us really was the fact that we mainly saw happy faces there. Children played happily like everywhere in the world.
Genesis' mother-in-law told us how God had saved her husband after many years of prayer, and delivered him from the curse of alcohol. Her testimony was just about the faithfulness of God, and how the life of the family has changed since then. We prayed together the further blessings of God to that home in which the six people lived in the space of a few square meters.
We had been praying in the morning that God may use us to love and encourage these people with the Word and kindness since we cannot change their living circumstances. God was teaching us,too, a lesson -through them - about being satisfied with what you have in the will of God.